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Fifty Roads.

The above illustration shows a portion of the front book cover of Earl Hamner's novel The Homecoming: A Novel about Spencer's Mountain. The book was published in 1970 by Random House, New York.

The book cover of Earl Hamner, Jr.'s first novel Fifty Roads To Town is shown on the right. The book was published by The Dial Press, New York, in 1953. The back cover sleeve stated that the author is thirty years old and "has ben writing since he was seven year old, when the Richmond Times Dispatch published his first poem. In between reading everything in sight as he grew up, he milked cows, slopped hogs, caught possums and paid his tuition at the University of Richmond by working as a dispatcher for a trucking company, mail carrier and census taker."

The picture was reproduced from Earl Hamner, Jr.'s novel Fifty Roads To Town, The Dial Press, 1953.

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The following groupings list various facts about The Waltons. Please help me collect this information by correcting mistakes and adding information that is missing. My email address appears at the bottom of all pages.

The Family:
The ancestors and family that comprise the Waltons.

The Friends: The friends that live near Walton's Mountain and appear frequently.

The Neighbors: The neighbors that appear occasionally or only once on Walton's Mountain.

The Travelers: The travelers that passed through Walton's Mountain.

The Animals: The animals that live on the Mountain.

The Locations: The locations on and around Walton's Mountain.

The Quotes of Rose: The quotes made by Rose Burton.

The Songs, Poetry, Prayers, Quotes, Signs: The songs, poetry, prayers, quotes, signs by The Waltons.

The Timeline: The dates including years that The Waltons involve.


William Arthur Atkins

e-mail: williamatkins3307 [at] comcast.net
home URL: http://www.WilliamArthurAtkins.com

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